Common Symptoms of Neurological Disorders
 • Blurring of vision
 • Headaches
 • Numbness and tingling in hands and feet
 • Poor balance
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Common Symptoms of Sleep Disorders
 • Acid reflux in sleep
 • Nightmares
 • Snoring
 • Waking up with body aches
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Comprehensive Evaluation: Adult neurological disorders such as migrane, epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's Disease, dementia, and neuromuscular disorders. We also offer an initial consultation and evaluation of sleep related problems.

Neurodiagnostic Studies: Electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), nerve conductions, and evoked response studies.

Sleep Studies: Diagnostic sleep study (PSG), CPAP titration, MSLT, MWT. Patients will be referred to the AASM accredited sleep laboratories. We do not have any financial interest in these labs.

Follow-up Evaluations: Discussion in detail the findings of diagnostic and positive pressure titration studies including review of sections of actual sleep study. A copy of the sleep study report will be given to the patient. Discussion on sleep hygiene is included.

Medical Equipment: For patients who need devices for treatment of sleep apnea, referrals will be made to dependable DME providers. We do not have any financial interest in these companies.